Blogging-induced Insomnia

It is 6:43 am on a Saturday and I have been wide awake for an hour. I didn’t go to sleep till 1:29 am. And this has nothing to do with a toddler with poor sleeping habits. He is starting to chatter a bit now, but unless he is sick or teething, he sleeps through the night (*knocking on wood*). But ever since I started blogging, I have had a steady stream of recipe ideas running through my head at all hours. And last night I was having so much fun being inspired by other blogs that I could not shut the laptop, So here I am, laying in bed next to a sleeping husband, writing a lame blog post on my iPhone.

I am loving this new creative outlet and joining the blogging community. I just want to get some sleep. Or maybe, since I consume very little caffeine, it is due to the chocolate ice cream and chocolate chips I ate last night…

So anyway, I am going to try to post a blog roll later, so that you can see some bloggers who inspire me, either for their recipes, health information, photography, writing, or site design. In the meantime, it is time to turn some of the recipes churning in my head into breakfast.

Do you have any favorite blogs I should check out?